Happy New Year! Let’s Get to It! What is the bullshit that is holding you back from ….
Getting what you want
Being who you really want to be
Having all that you so richly desire
Being happy
Being fulfilled
________ (Fill in the blank)
Here’s the truth – it is January 6, 2023 – what are you creating? Are you already back in your 2022 rut?? The truth is that whatever you have been practicing this week is a good indication of what you will be practicing moving forward.
Here’s another truth – you are lying to yourself. You lie about how you are not enough, how you should be further along, how you should have done something different back then, how you don’t make a difference, how you’re not successful, how you’re not perfect…..
It’s all bullshit!
Here’s what you’ve been covering up with your bullshit:
Your brilliance
Your giftedness
Your purpose
Your power
Your truth
Your light
The amazing impact you make
The evidence of all your success
So what’s going to be different this year? NOTHING! UNLESS…. You practice different and be different.
We’ve all heard the saying how “Practice Makes Perfect.” Well, actually, practice makes it permanent. The more you practice anything (success or limitation), the more it becomes engrained and automatic. So for you to create something new and empowering, you’ve got to practice new and empowering.
Isn’t it time that you break thru your bullshit? Here are 3 simple ways to do that:
1. Tell Yourself the Truth – Start with the truth about your amazingness. What is the truth of what you’d love to be doing? What is the truth that will make your soul sing?? What is the truth that you haven’t been speaking? Go on, give it a voice! Say it out loud! You see, the truth is that your happiness and fulfillment are dependent upon you living in alignment with yourself, doing and being what and who you want to be – not what everyone else expects of you!
Here’s the truth: You are enough! You matter! You are necessary. You were uniquely designed!! There is no one else like you! Delight in that deliciousness. So what is your Truth? What would make your soul sing??
2. Raise the Bar. This isn’t about doing more or raising your standards. This is about raising the bar on loving yourself on giving yourself grace. On celebrating who you are and the light you are in this world!! Take a few minutes without distraction, and really think about who you are. From the perspective of what you have accomplished and overcome. I mean, really, who are you? Make a list of who you are when you are standing in your power and the certainty of who you are.
Did you include the following:
I am a force to be reckoned with
I am brilliant
I am enough
I am powerful
I am a difference maker
I am love
I am strong
What do you have to see in yourself now to see yourself as the ten you already are and always have been?
Raise the bar on your practices. Begin practicing those qualities that you just listed. Act as if that is who you already are! Because you already are! And, BTW, you’re going to have to practice more than once!!!
3. GOYA (Get off you’re A$$!!)
And…… GO!
Take a step – in the direction of your dream!
Let go of the Perfect Plan! Hellooooo! How the heck are you going to have a perfect plan to go somewhere you’ve never gone before?
Take a step – the first step that’s in alignment with you. The next step will reveal itself.
Steve Jobs said you can never connect the dots until you look behind you. So, SHOW UP! Throw some dots and trust they will all connect
And here’s another Truth – we are not here to do it alone.
So if this is stirring you up, please let Jessica, and I support you in releasing your authentic Bad Ass and living a life that makes your Soul sing!
Isn’t it time for you to Break Through Your Bullshit???
**GOYA (Get Off Your Ass) Incentive – $100 off through January 13th, 2023. Use Code GOYA
