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Presario MasterMind Groups

Presaio Group MasterMinds


The Presario Mastermind is a powerful success vehicle comprised of a carefully selected group of entrepreneurs. Mastermind groups have been around since the beginning of time and the concept is best described by Napoleon Hill in “Think and Grow Rich” as “The coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony. No two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind [the master mind].” 

If you want different or better success, you must be able to tap into outside ideas, perspectives, and synergy. The Presario Mastermind provides a monthly opportunity for entrepreneurs to present current business challenges and growth opportunities in a safe environment where each member contributes their business wisdom, experience, and insight in a facilitated conversation and brainstorm. 



What the Presario Mastermind will help you with: 

  • Focus and strategic quarterly priorities for your business 

  • A safe, confidential arena to openly discuss your business challenges 

  • A community of collaboration, support & accountability.

  • Connection to resources, creative solutions & possibilities 

  • A vehicle for clear monthly action commitments

  • Encouragement in the pursuit of success by your definition 

  • A catalyst for growth and problem solving 



What the Presario Mastermind is not: 

  • It is not a class: The main focus of a mastermind group is the brainstorming and accountability support among the group members. We at The Presario Group believe that the collective wisdom is much greater than any class we could provide. 

  • It is not a leads group: While you may share leads and resources with each other, solicitation of business or leads is not permitted.  However, through your connections with other members, you will find plenty of joint venture opportunities, lead sharing, and professional networking. 



We provide Masterminds for Entrepreneurs (in person and virtual options) and match you based on years in business, complexity of business, annual revenue, and growth trends. 


​We also provide a Women's Mastermind (POP Mastermind) as a community of support, encouragement, and connection.  When you come to our Piss Off Perfect (POP) Retreat you receive 3 months of the Mastermind on us.





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